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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
Messaggi: 37304

MessaggioInviato: Lun Set 11, 2017 12:08    Oggetto: PROMETEO 15/09/17 Carpi 22:00, FESTIVAL FILOSOFIA sulle ARTI Rispondi citando

"PROMETEO": performance di Alessandro PREZIOSI

produzione: KHORA.teatro - live set di Paky Di Maio

ven. 15 settembre 22:00 CARPI (MO) Piazza Martiri

ingresso gratuito; in caso di maltempo lo spettacolo

si terrà presso: tensostruttura di Piazzale Re Astolfo


con il Patrocinio di CNI Unesco; Programma creativo

sotto l'Alto Patronato del Presidente della Repubblica

Accompagnato dalle percussioni di Paky Di Maio, Alessandro Preziosi porta in scena non solo il Prometeo incatenato riconosciuto dal mito, ma la vicenda di un uomo divorato dalla passione per il dialogo con dèi e uomini.
Il Titano che rubò il fuoco a Zeus e fece dono agli uomini delle arti e delle tecniche diviene simbolo del pensiero libero.
Tra il mito e le sue riletture – da Simone Weil a Goethe a Byron – Preziosi cuce un racconto sul modo in cui la disobbedienza agli dèi e al destino e la conquista del saper fare siano la caratteristica essenziale dei mortali.

[foto: Emilia Romagna Beni Culturali - Piazza Martiri di Carpi]

Dedicato al tema ARTI, il FestivalFILOSOFIA 2017, in programma a Modena, Carpi e Sassuolo dal 15 al 17 settembre in 40 luoghi diversi delle tre città, mette a fuoco le pratiche d’artista e le forme della creazione in tutti gli ambiti produttivi, esplorando la radice comune che lega arte e tecnica. La diciassettesima edizione del festival prevede lezioni magistrali, mostre, spettacoli, letture, giochi per bambini e cene filosofiche. Gli appuntamenti saranno quasi 200 e tutti gratuiti.

Il festival è promosso dal “Consorzio per il FestivalFILOSOFIA”, di cui sono soci i Comuni di Modena, Carpi e Sassuolo, la Fondazione Collegio San Carlo di Modena, la Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Carpi e la Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena. Piazze e cortili ospiteranno oltre 50 lezioni magistrali in cui maestri del pensiero filosofico si confronteranno con il pubblico sulle varie declinazioni delle arti: il programma esplorerà la radice comune e talora sottovalutata delle arti e delle tecniche, che si manifesta negli oggetti “fatti ad arte”, con la maestria che accomuna artisti e artigiani in tutti i campi del produrre, anche quelli ad alta tecnologia. Si indagherà il carattere artificiale non solo delle opere, ma della stessa umanità nell’epoca in cui le biotecnologie permettono la manipolazione e riproduzione della vita.

Se le lezioni magistrali sono il cuore della manifestazione, un vasto programma creativo, non ancora completo, coinvolgerà performance, musica e spettacoli dal vivo.
Non mancheranno i mercati di libri e le iniziative per bambini e ragazzi. Quasi trenta le mostre proposte in occasione del festival.
E, accanto a pranzi e cene filosofici ideati dall’Accademico dei Lincei Tullio Gregory per i circa settanta ristoranti ed enoteche delle tre città, nella notte di sabato 16 settembre aperture di gallerie e musei fino alle ore piccole.

Il programma è realizzato con il contributo di Michelina Borsari; il libretto è consultabile in formato digitale:

Infoline: Consorzio FestivalFILOSOFIA, tel. 059/2033382,

COMUNE DI CARPI - Assessorato alle Politiche culturali - Palazzo della Pieve -
via Santa Maria in Castello 2/b, tel. 059/649022


L'ultima modifica di genziana il Mar Set 12, 2017 03:23, modificato 1 volta
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
Messaggi: 37304

MessaggioInviato: Lun Set 11, 2017 12:17    Oggetto: settembre 2017 - maltempo in Italia Rispondi citando

Marisol ha scritto:

Ciao e buongiorno mi cari amici.

Ancora una volta, purtroppo, le forze della natura sono risvegliate ... ora sono le inondazioni.

Sono stato in grado di vedere immagini nel TVE e sono desolanti ...

Da qui voglio inviare il mio sostegno e il mio sincero affetto a tutte le persone che soffrono per questa catastrofe con il desiderio che finisce presto e che le perdite materiali, ma soprattutto umane, siano i meno possibili

Mi sento molto vicina in questi momenti di tristezza e dolore, a tutti i miei cari italiani.

Un grande abbraccio sincero di cuore a cuore.


P. S. Mi auguro che tutti gli amici e la famiglia del forum sono ben.

Inviato: Lun Set 11, 2017 9:11 am

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Registrato: 16/04/12 20:20
Messaggi: 2898
Residenza: Deggendorf/Deutschland

MessaggioInviato: Lun Set 11, 2017 13:12    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Mie cari amici!


Anche io visto come la mia cara sorella Marisol, le immagini terribile su TV! Shocked Shocked

Mi dispiace moltissimo!!! Crying or Very sad Non ho parole! Crying or Very sad Io sono molto, molto triste, che la mia Italia amata, é nuovamente perseguitato da un altra catastrofe naturale! Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

Il mio cuore é pieno di tristezza grande! Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

I miei pensieri e il mio cuore sono molto, molto, molto forte vicino a tutti i gente poveri e i vittime, in questo tempo, di molto dolore e tristezza grande! Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

Io pregheró fortissimo per tutti i mie care amici italiani!

Abbraccio tutti fortissimo, con grande affetto!

Forza mie care amiche, vi prego, non mollare mai!!!

Anche io spero, che tutti mie care amiche del forum sono bene!

Mille baci e abbracci con tanto, tanto il mio amore!




Mi dispiace per il mio cattivo italiano

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Registrato: 25/09/15 20:30
Messaggi: 371
Residenza: BARCELONA

MessaggioInviato: Lun Set 11, 2017 14:49    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Cari amici del foro desiderio da qui inviare il mio appoggio ed affetto a tutti quelli che stanno soffrendo la forza della madre Natura in questi giorni e le sue conseguenze.
Le notizie questi sono stati tristi e Commoventi.
Una preghiera anche per le vittime dell'attentato che oggi si commemora.
Col mio amore più sincero e profondo
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
Messaggi: 283
Residenza: USA

MessaggioInviato: Lun Set 11, 2017 23:35    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, in this letter, Paul "the earlobe slasher" Gauguin, poses a question to Vincent: "Do you not fear that I may also be a similar cause of the memories that disturb you when you go to Arles?" Ha! Ya think? Laughing

From: Paul Gauguin
To: Vincent van Gogh
Date: Le Pouldu, Wednesday, 22 or Thursday, January 23, 1890

My dear Vincent
Thanks for your letter and for your projected proposals, they gave me a lot to think about, and I admit that I consider life together possible, very possible, but with many precautions. Your state of ill-health, which isn’t yet completely cured, requires calm and a lot of careful handling. You say yourself that memories disturb you when you go to Arles. Do you not fear that I may also be a similar cause? In any event, it wouldn’t seem prudent to me to start out in a town where you’d find yourself isolated and consequently lack immediate care should you relapse – so I’m looking for the most propitious place.

We’ve chatted about this with De Haan (a completely serious man), and I consider that Antwerp would completely fit the bill. Because life is as cheap as in some provincial hole. Next, because there are museums which aren’t to be sneered at for painters. Then one can work for sale there. Why shouldn’t we found a studio in my name; with a few connections, with our names a little known through the Vingtistes it would be possible, and however little one does one is still making a profitable step.

(Note: In 1889 Gauguin had shown twelve works at the exhibition of Les Vingt. In 1890 van Gogh exhibited six paintings.)

In my opinion, Impressionism won’t really find its place in France until it’s back from abroad. It’s there where one reasons about it best and gives it the warmest welcome, so it’s there that one must work. You will be two Dutchmen, that’s to say from the country, although Antwerp is Belgian. There’s been an exhibition of mine in Copenhagen recently with works that were previously refused, as I told you.

(Note: Gauguin is referring to the exhibition of French and Scandinavian Impressionists, held by the Kunstforeningen (The Society of the Friends of Art) in Copenhagen from October 31 to November 11, 1889. Several of Gauguin’s early works were on display, as well as paintings by Manet, Degas, Cézanne, Pissarro, Sisley and Guillaumin from Gauguin’s collection, which he had left with his wife in Copenhagen. The works that had been ‘refused’ is a reference to a small exhibition of Gauguin’s work held at the beginning of May 1885 at the Kunstforeningen. According to Gauguin, the exhibition was closed after five days by order of the Academy, and the press was forbidden to write about it. Exactly what happened is, however, unclear.)

Well it was very successful. It’s an indication that the 1st work I did was bearing fruit after germinating slowly. In the same way in Antwerp, by bestirring ourselves, 3 talented fellows, firm in their beliefs, we’ll take a step forward. And a little later, if it works out a bit, why not make a small branch of your brother’s in terms of selling. Your brother could lend you a few canvases by other artists, and with this drop of water hollow out the rock.

(Note: This is derived from a Latin saying handed down in many variants, of which the best known is ‘Gutta cavat lapidem, non vi, sed sepe cadendo’.)

There you have it, my dear Vincent, broadly speaking my opinion on your project. Answer me with your frank opinion about it. In any event, all of this is very cloudy, since I’m pursuing my Tonkin project vigorously. At the moment we have spring tide storms that are keeping us in the studio, and it’s very sad.

Best wishes.
Ever yours,
P. Gauguin

Regards from De Haan.

"Plato is my friend; Aristotle is my friend, but my greatest friend is truth."
―Isaac Newton

"Life is hard; it's harder if you're stupid."
―John Wayne

Love ya Preziosi! Later! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
Messaggi: 283
Residenza: USA

MessaggioInviato: Mer Set 13, 2017 00:54    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, in this letter, Gauguin tells Vincent that, "the winter is always dangerous to you." Lol! The winter wasn't the only thing that was dangerous to him. Wink "Pauly" also insults French painter Armand Guillaumin, claiming, "he only sees material things, with a brainless eye." Yikes! Guillaumin made Gauguin angry! He was lucky that he got away with his ear still intact. Laughing

From: Paul Gauguin
To: Vincent van Gogh
Date: Paris, on or about Thursday, March 20, 1890

My dear Vincent
I’ve looked most attentively at your works since we parted; first at your brother’s place and at the Independents’ exhibition.

(Note: Gauguin had visited Theo at home on March 13.)

It’s above all at this latter place that one can properly judge what you do, either because of things positioned beside each other, or because of the neighbouring works. I offer you my sincere compliments, and for many artists you are the most remarkable in the exhibition. With things from nature you’re the only one there who thinks.

I’ve talked about it with your brother, and there’s one that I would like to exchange with you for a thing of your choice. The one I’m talking about is a mountain landscape. Two tiny travellers seem to be climbing up there in search of the unknown. It contains an emotion à la Delacroix, with a very evocative color. Here and there red notes like lights, the whole in a violet note. It’s beautiful and imposing.

(Note: Gauguin's letter sketch was made after van Gogh’s Ravine, which was on display at the exhibition.)

I’ve talked at length about it with Aurier, Bernard and many others. All send you their compliments. Only Guillaumin shrugs his shoulders when he hears of it. Besides, I understand him, given that he only sees material things, with a brainless eye. He’s the same when it comes to my painting over these last few years, and understands nothing of it.

I hesitated greatly to write to you, knowing that you had just had a rather long crisis, so please don’t reply to me until you feel completely strong. Let’s hope that with the warm weather that will return you’re going to get well at last, the winter is always dangerous to you.

Cordially yours,
Paul Gauguin

"What is against truth cannot be just"
― Saint Augustine

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare

Love ya Preziosi! Later! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
Messaggi: 37304

MessaggioInviato: Mer Set 13, 2017 08:45    Oggetto: PROMETEO 15/09/17 Carpi 22:00, FESTIVAL FILOSOFIA sulle ARTI Rispondi citando

"PROMETEO": performance di Alessandro PREZIOSI

produzione: KHORA.teatro - live set di Paky Di Maio

ven. 15 settembre 22:00 CARPI (MO) Piazza Martiri

ingresso gratuito; in caso di maltempo lo spettacolo

si terrà presso: tensostruttura di Piazzale Re Astolfo


con il Patrocinio di CNI Unesco; Programma creativo

sotto l'Alto Patronato del Presidente della Repubblica

infoline: Consorzio FestivalFILOSOFIA tel. 059/2033382,

COMUNE DI CARPI - Assessorato alle Politiche culturali - Palazzo della Pieve -
via Santa Maria in Castello 2/b, tel. 059/649022

Il Piazzale Re Astolfo era l'antico centro del castello murato e della città medievale. Parte sud del complesso dei Pio, questo spazio, cuore della Cittadella, era in origine occupato oltre che dalla pieve anche da altri edifici poi distrutti quando furono ridotte le dimensioni dell'antichissima Pieve di Santa Maria in Castello (detta La Sagra), che divideva lo spazio in due settori, e furono demolite alcune residenze. L'attuale aspetto della piazza a forma regolare, fu definita nel 1514 solo da allora fu definita "piazza" e successivamente prese il nome dal "Gioco del pallone" (pallamaglio) che vi si praticava.

Benvenuti! siete in Alessandro Preziosi official Forum

questo è l'unico sito web personale aperto dall'artista



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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
Messaggi: 283
Residenza: USA

MessaggioInviato: Gio Set 14, 2017 00:02    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, in this letter, Gauguin is now insulting the people where he lives, he states, "Of course, the collection of boors around here think I’m completely mad and I’m happy about that, because it proves to me that I’m not." Ha! Laughing Gauguin was hilarious! I had no idea "Pauly" was so entertaining! Other than his penchant for ear cutting, it sounds like he would of been a riot to hang out with.

From: Paul Gauguin
To: Vincent van Gogh
Date: Pont-Aven, on or about Sunday, July 22, 1888

My dear Vincent
I’ve just read your interesting letter and I entirely agree with you on the slight importance that accuracy contributes to art. Art is an abstraction; unfortunately we’re becoming increasingly misunderstood. I would very much like it if we were to achieve our aims, that is, my coming to Provence. I’ve always had an itch to interpret bullfights in my own way, as I understand them. I’m beginning to recover the full use of my faculties: my illness had weakened me, and in my most recent studies I have, I think, gone beyond what I’ve been doing up to now.

Of course, the collection of boors around here think I’m completely mad and I’m happy about that, because it proves to me that I’m not. I’ve just finished a Breton wrestling that I’m sure you’ll like. Two kids, one pair of blue trunks and one pair of vermilion. One at top right, coming up out of the water. A green lawn – pure Veronese shading off into chrome yellow with no execution, like Japanese prints. At the top a cascade of foaming water, white pink, and a rainbow on the edge near the frame. At the bottom a white patch, a black hat and blue smock.

(Note: Gauguin is referring to The young wrestlers, 1888. A letter from Gauguin to Schuffenecker of July 8, 1888 also contains a sketch and description of this painting.)

Talking of Russell, Granchi told me he’d seen him 2 months ago in Paris, and that Russell had great admiration for me and that he was to go to Belle-Île. I don’t quite understand why a rich man doesn’t buy what he admires. Anyway, let’s hope.

(Note: Gauguin had got to know Achille Granchi-Taylor in Paris in 1885. Both artists were in Pont-Aven in 1886 and 1888. Granchi-Taylor had worked at Cormon’s studio; this is probably how he knew Russell.)

So who is this Thomas you speak of, is it Thomas de Bojano? Unless it’s the dealer who used to be near place Vendôme.

(Note: van Gogh must have written to Gauguin about the art dealer Georges Thomas. Louis Nicolas André Thomas, Duke of Bojano, was the managing director of the Compagnie du Soleil insurance company and a collector. His collection of 118 works was sold at auction in 1882. By the dealer near Place Vendôme, Gauguin probably meant the paint supplier and art dealer Jean Joseph Thomas, who had a shop at 235 rue Saint-Honoré until 1887.)

My friend Laval is back from Martinique; he brought some very curious watercolors. I’ll have you look at some that you’ll like, they’re art. I’m talking as if we were already together. I have to tell you that once I’ve taken a decision I’m always in haste to carry it out.

If it weren’t for this damned money, my bags would soon be packed. I don’t know why, but for the past ten days or so I have lots of painted follies in my head which I plan to execute in the south: I think it has to do with my state of health, which is blooming again. It’s as if I have a need to struggle, to hack away with crushing blows — after all the research I’ve done here I think I can easily forge ahead.

Until we’re together, an affectionate handshake.
Paul Gauguin

"False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil."

"No legacy is so rich as honesty."
―William Shakespeare

Love ya Preziosi! Later! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
Messaggi: 37304

MessaggioInviato: Gio Set 14, 2017 07:19    Oggetto: PROMETEO 15/09/17 Carpi 22:00, FESTIVAL FILOSOFIA sulle ARTI Rispondi citando

ha scritto:



La filosofia si fa arte nell’atteso appuntamento con l’omonimo Festival, a Modena, Carpi e Sassuolo. Le tre città romagnole sono pronte ad accogliere nei loro centri storici, tra palazzi, chiese e piazze, un pubblico sempre crescente, che nel 2001 toccava le 34mila presenze e nel 2016 ben 190mila. Nella 17esima edizione, dal 15 al 17 settembre, convergono qui di nuovo pensieri, spettacoli, mostre fotografiche e laboratori per bambini. Il focus di quest’anno si sofferma sul rapporto tra le pratiche d’artista e le forme delle creazioni in tutti gli ambiti produttivi, riprendendo dal passato lo stretto rapporto tra arte e tecnica. Da non perdere le lezioni magistrali di protagonisti tutti da ascoltare e quelle dei classici che hanno sempre da insegnare, da Platone a Lucrezio.
Sul palco fisico e metaforico della riflessione sale Alessandro Preziosi con PROMETEO. Recital musicato, personaggio emblematico della libertà nata dalla conquista delle arti. L’appuntamento è per il 15 a CARPI nell’accogliente piazza dei Martiri. Cuore urbano della cittadina si presta per essere punto di partenza di un tour tra il Palazzo dei Pio, prima castello medievale e poi palazzo rinascimentale, e il Museo della Città che racconta la vita di personaggi come Matilde di Canossa o Ciro Menotti ed espone singolari cappelli realizzati fino al secolo scorso con i trucioli del legno.


La Freccia: Emilia Romagna, di Francesca Ventre (estratto dalle pag. 48-50)

LA FRECCIA - 09/2017; mensile gratuito per i viaggiatori di FS ITALIANE


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Registrato: 07/01/11 10:40
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Residenza: Madrid (España)

MessaggioInviato: Gio Set 14, 2017 12:13    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Ciao e buongiorno amici,

Grazie mille , mia carissima e preziosa Giuly, per tutte le ultime informazioni sul lavoro del nostro carissimo Ale Razz Razz !!!

Baci, baci. TVTB Giuly


Mio caro amico Ale,

In bocca al lupo per domani a Carpi con il tu magnifico Prometo, sono sicura che sarà ancora una volta un grande successo Razz Razz !!

Per quanto riguarda il lavoro "VAN GOGH, L'ODORE ASSORDANTE DEL BIANCO", vedo con grande gioia che altre città (al momento in particolare 3: Trieste, Teramo e Treviso) sono state aggiunte al tour Very Happy ... questo aumento può dare la possibilità a più persone per godersi e "andare pazzi" con la maestosa interpretazione di un Alessandro che è grandioso e spectacolare nel suo ruolo di Vincent Van Gogh, dove più che mai (oserei dire) è consegnato in modo tale, che spaventa, mettere le pelle d'oca ... è eccitante vedere il grande attore in questo ruolo.

Raccomando a chiunque abbia l'opportunità di andare al teatro, non perdetevi ... chi già sa la loro traiettoria, li affascinerà Very Happy e coloro che non l'hanno mai visto in un teatro (siamo onesti e non lasciamoci trarre in inganno, purtroppo, Alessandro Preziosi deve "portare" lo stigma di essere un uomo bellissimo e non puoi essere, nè fare altra cosa nella sua vita, che essere bello e vivere della sua bellezza Confused !!

E questo condiziona molte persone a non andare al teatro per vedere il suo lavoro .... ma io faccio una domanda: per essere un buon attore, è necessario che il attore sia brutto e deforme? È una condizione necessaria e primordiale?

Questa è un'occasione ottima per andare al teatro e che questa teoria cada per il suo proprio peso.

Vadano al teatro, vedano il suo lavoro e dopo aver visto...giudichino Wink Wink !!

Ma questa è un'altra questione che non voglio parlare adesso.
) li sorprenderanno piacevolmente, scopriranno un ATTORE con lettere maiuscole, completo, con ottima formazione, un grande professionale, un "mostro" sul palcoscenico, andranno impazzendo, al stesso modo che io andai impazzita con il suo straordinaria e allucinante interpretazione, perché vedranno un Alessandro Preziosi BRAVISSIMO!!!

Tanti baci con grande e sincero affetto da Madrid Wink Very Happy !!!



La vera ricchezza è prendere la vita con amore, donando amore.

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Registrato: 16/04/12 20:20
Messaggi: 2898
Residenza: Deggendorf/Deutschland

MessaggioInviato: Gio Set 14, 2017 19:58    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Il mio caro amico Alessandro!

Ti auguro in bocca al lupo per domani sera! Laughing

Sono sicuro che sei meraviglioso e fantastico come sempre! Laughing

Con i miei pensieri e con il mio cuore io sono da te, a Capri! Laughing Laughing

TVTB! Sempre!! Laughing

Baci e abbracci enorme, con tanto affetto, da Germania! Laughing

Bea Laughing


Mi dispiace per il mio cattivo italiano

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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
Messaggi: 283
Residenza: USA

MessaggioInviato: Gio Set 14, 2017 23:46    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, in this letter, Gauguin tells Vincent that he agrees with his wish for painting with a coloration suggesting poetic ideas, but with one difference. He doesn't know any poetic ideas. Ha! nevertheless, Gauguin finds everything poetic. And you know he means it, because he wrote the French word "TOUT" (Je trouve TOUT poetique) which translates into "EVERYTHING" in English, (I find EVERYTHING poetic), in capital letters. Laughing

From: Paul Gauguin
To: Vincent van Gogh
Date: Pont-Aven, on or about Saturday, September 8, 1888

My dear Vincent
I received your letter the very moment I was about to write to you. Excuse me if I write so infrequently and so briefly. I’m terribly bored and I’m suffering from stomach trouble; we have rain constantly. I work and I do nothing, in the sense that I draw with hand, head and heart, with a view to what I wish to do later. Yes, you’re right to wish for painting with a coloration suggesting poetic ideas, and in that sense I’m in agreement with you, with one difference. I don’t know any poetic ideas, it’s probably a sense that I lack.

I find EVERYTHING poetic, and it’s in the corners of my heart which are sometimes mysterious that I catch a glimpse of poetry. Forms and colors brought into harmonies create a form of poetry in themselves. Without allowing myself to be surprised by the subject, when looking at a painting by someone else, I feel a sensation that leads me into a poetic state depending on whether the painter’s intellectual powers emanate from it. There’s no point quibbling about it; we’ll talk about it at length. In that respect, I’m very despondent at being detained at Pont-Aven; my debt is increasing every day, and making my journey more and more unlikely.

The artist’s life is one long Calvary to go through! And that’s perhaps what makes us live. Passion enlivens us, and we die when it has nothing more to feed on. Let’s leave these paths full of thorny bushes, but they have their wild poetry all the same.
I’m studying young Bernard, whom I don’t know as well as you do; I believe you’ll do him good, and he needs it.

(Note: Emile Bernard had been in Pont-Aven for a month.)

He has suffered, of course, and he’s starting out in life full of bile, ready to see man’s bad side. I hope that with his intelligence and his love of art he’ll see one day that goodness is a force against others, and a consolation for our own ills. He likes you and respects you, so you can have a good influence on him. We need to be very united in heart and in intellect if we wish the future to put us in our true place.
Is your brother travelling? I have no more news from him.

Cordially yours,
Paul Gauguin

"False face must hide what the false heart doth know."
―William Shakespeare

"Experience is the teacher of all things."
―Julius Caesar

"Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something."

Love ya Preziosi! Later! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
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MessaggioInviato: Ven Set 15, 2017 12:17    Oggetto: PROMETEO 15/09/17 Carpi 22:00, FESTIVAL FILOSOFIA sulle ARTI Rispondi citando

ha scritto:

Spettacoli e concerti per una tre giorni di arte a tutto campo
Performance teatrali, reading musicali, lirica e prosa
Una piccola guida agli eventi che meritano di essere visti


          PREZIOSI e il mito della tecnica

A Carpi, accompagnato dalle live electronics di Paky Di Maio, Alessandro Preziosi porterà in scena in Piazza dei Martiri venerdì alle ore 22 il mito della tecnica in un recital musicato: tra i testi della tragedia e gli echi moderni, da Goethe a Simone Weil, ci si fa innanzi non solo il Prometeo incatenato riconosciuto dal mito, ma un racconto sulla disobbedienza agli dei e al destino, in cui la conquista delle arti diviene sinonimo di libertà: “PROMETEO. Recital musicato”. - (di Serena Fregni)

GAZZETTA DI MODENA _ ediz. nazionale - Guida pag. 28 – ven. 15/09/2017


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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
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MessaggioInviato: Sab Set 16, 2017 00:30    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, I can see why Vincent liked Gauguin so much. They were alike! They had the same painting style. They were both constantly complaining about their sickly state and stomach problems. Something always weighed on them horribly, and they were always waiting for better times. To say these 2 weren't exactly the life of the party, is an understatement! Laughing

Other things they had in common: it wasn't until after their death that their art began receiving great acclaim and they both had an alcohol problem. Alcohol is sure to have played a role in van Gogh’s unpredictable behavior as well as his hallucinations and delusions. Gauguin also referred to himself as a savage, and claimed to have Inca blood. Ha! Not sure if that was the alcohol talking. Laughing "Pauly" was quite a colorful character.

From: Paul Gauguin
To: Vincent van Gogh
Date: Pont-Aven, on or about Wednesday, September 26, 1888

My dear Vincent
I’m very late in replying to you; but what can I say, my sickly state and my worries often leave me in a state of prostration, in which I sink into inaction.

(Note: Vincent had written to Gauguin shortly before September 11, as emerges from a previous letter to Theo.)

If you were familiar with my life you would understand that after having struggled so much (in every way) I’m in the process of drawing breath, and at the moment I’m lying dormant. Your idea for an exchange, to which I haven’t yet replied, appeals to me, and I’ll do the portrait you want, but not yet. I’m not in a fit state to do it, seeing that it’s not a copy of a face that you want, but a portrait as I understand it. I’m studying young Bernard, and I don’t have him yet. I shall perhaps do it from memory, but in any case it will be an abstraction. Perhaps tomorrow, I don’t know, it will come to me all at once. At the moment there’s a spell of fine weather which is leading us both to try lots of things.

I’ve just done a religious painting, very badly done, but which was interesting to do, and which I like. I wanted to give it to the church at Pont-Aven. They don’t want it, of course.

Breton women, grouped together, are praying; costumes very intense black. The yellow-white bonnets very luminous. The two bonnets on the right are like monstrous helmets. An apple tree goes across the canvas: dark purple, and the foliage drawn in masses like emerald green clouds, with yellow-green interstices of sunlight. The earth (pure vermilion). At the church it goes down and becomes red brown.

The angel is dressed in violent ultramarine blue, and Jacob in bottle green. The angel’s wings pure no. 1 chrome yellow. The angel’s hair no. 2 chrome, and the feet flesh-orange.

(Note: Paul Gauguin, The vision after the sermon, 1888. In 1904 Bernard recounted how Gauguin had offered the painting to the priest of the church in Névez, a village not far from Pont-Aven: ‘Then the priest asked about the subject matter and declared it to be non-religious. If only it clearly portrayed the famous struggle! but those enormous bonnets and peasants’ backs filling the canvas, and the principal subject being reduced, in the distance, to such insignificant proportions!! ...That was not possible, he would be reprimanded...’)

I believe I’ve achieved a great rustic and superstitious simplicity in the figures. The whole very severe. The cow under the tree is tiny by comparison with reality, and is prancing. For me, the landscape and the wrestling exist only in the imagination of the people at prayer after the sermon; that’s why there’s a contrast between the real people and the wrestling in its landscape, not real and out of proportion.

In your letter you seem angry at our laziness about the portrait, and that pains me; friends don’t get angry with each other (at a distance, words cannot be interpreted at their true value).

(Note: As far as we know, van Gogh had not written to Gauguin since about September 11. Gauguin must be referring here to van Gogh’s letter to Bernard, written between Wednesday, 19 and Tuesday, September 25, in which he reacted to the latter’s refusal to paint Gauguin’s portrait.)

Another thing. You turn the dagger in the wound when you do all you can to prove to me that I must come to the south, given that I’m suffering on account of not being there at this moment. When you suggested that I go there as part of your partnership I categorically wrote you a last letter in the affirmative, happy at your brother’s offer. There’s no question for me of creating a studio in the north, since every day I hope for a sale that will allow me to leave here. The people who are feeding me here, the doctor who treated me, did it on credit and wouldn’t hold back a single painting, a single piece of clothing, and are faultless towards me — I can’t leave them without committing a bad deed that would trouble me enormously. If they were either rich or thieves, it would mean nothing to me. So I shall wait. On the other hand, if when the day came you were otherwise disposed, and you had to say to me, Too late..... I’d prefer that you did it right away. I’m fearful that your brother, who likes my talent, rates it too highly. If he found a collector or speculator who was tempted by low prices, let him do it.

(Note: van Gogh took a contrary view, as we can also see from a crossed-out scrap of writing on the back of a sketch that he enclosed with a letter to Eugène Boch. the words were addressed to Gauguin.)

I’m a man of sacrifices, and I’d like him to understand that whatever he does, I’ll find it well done. Young Bernard will shortly be taking several canvases of mine to Paris.

Laval expects to come and find me in the south towards the month of February. He’s found someone who’ll pay him 150 francs a month for a year.
It appears to me now, my dear Vincent, that you’re getting your sums wrong.

(Note: van Gogh had written to Bernard about the cost of living in Arles in a previous letter.)

I know the prices in the south; aside from the restaurant, I undertake to keep the household going on 200 francs a month, with food for three. I have kept house, and I know how to get by. All the more so with four. As far as accommodation goes; apart from yours, Laval and Bernard could have a small furnished room nearby. I like the way you picture your dream house and its arrangement, and my mouth is watering to see it.

Ah well! As far as possible I don’t want to think any more about the promised fruit. Waiting for better times, unless I’m released from this lousy existence, which, aside from work, weighs on me so horribly.

Cordially yours,
P. Gauguin

"To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man."
―William Shakespeare

"I have the terrible feeling that, because I am wearing a white beard and am sitting in the back of the theatre, you expect me to tell you the truth about something. These are the cheap seats, not Mount Sinai."
―Orson Welles

"Prometheus heretofore went up to Heaven, and stole fire from thence. Have not I as much Boldness as he?"
―Cyrano de Bergerac

Love ya Preziosi! Later! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
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MessaggioInviato: Sab Set 16, 2017 19:23    Oggetto: PROMETEO 15/09/17 Carpi 22:00, FESTIVAL FILOSOFIA sulle ARTI Rispondi citando


con il Patrocinio di CNI Unesco; Programma creativo

sotto l'Alto Patronato del Presidente della Repubblica

"PROMETEO": performance di Alessandro PREZIOSI

produzione: KHORA.teatro - live set di Paky Di Maio

ven. 15 settembre 22:00 CARPI; causa maltempo il

Recital musicato si è tenuto dentro la tensostruttura

di Piazzale Re Astolfo, adiacente a Piazza dei Martiri.


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