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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40 Messaggi: 37785
Inviato: Sab Lug 15, 2017 19:54 Oggetto: PROMETEO 26-27-28/07/2017 Estate, Teatri Uniti di BASILICATA |
"PROMETEO" reading di e con Alessandro PREZIOSI
produzione : KHORA.teatro; live set di Paky Di Maio
Estate Teatrale 2017 _ TUB Teatri Uniti di Basilicata
Sarà ALESSANDRO PREZIOSI in “PROMETEO”, nel percorso drammaturgico del recital, con citazioni di Simon Weil, Goethe e Byron, a fornirci altre chiavi di lettura della tragedia attribuita ad Eschilo. In una contestualizzazione storica diviene il simbolo stesso della condizione esistenziale umana, della sfida alla legge divina, ma è anche metafora del pensiero libero, svincolato dal mito e dalle false e bugiarde mitologie.
Estate Teatrale 2017 - TUB : Teatri Uniti di Basilicata
"PROMETEO" ore 21:00 appuntamenti in programma:
mercoledì 26 luglio - MATERA
- Terrazzo Palazzo Lanfranchi;
giovedì 27 luglio - VAGLIO Basilicata (PZ)
- MEFITIS - Scavi Archeologici Rossano;
venerdì 28 luglio - GRUMENTO Nova (PZ)
- Anfiteatro Grumentum
In caso di pioggia l’organizzazione ha previsto l’eventuale trasferimento di tutti gli spettacoli in spazi teatrali al coperto che saranno preventivamente comunicati: MATERA Teatri Uniti di Basilicata via don Minzoni, 38 – Tel 0835.337220
POTENZA Info&Tickets corso XVIII agosto, 2 – Tel 0971. 274704 - http://teatriunitidibasilicata.com/spettacoli/prometeo-2-2/
Anche la Stagione teatrale Estate 2017 aderisce all’iniziativa dedicata a promuovere la cultura “18app”, a cura del MiBACT e
della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, destinata ai ragazzi che hanno compiuto 18 anni nel 2016 e al progetto Carta Docente.
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40 Messaggi: 37785
Inviato: Sab Lug 15, 2017 20:18 Oggetto: PROMETEO reading 20/07/2017 SIRACUSA, Castello Maniace 21:00 |
"PROMETEO" reading di e con Alessandro PREZIOSI
produzione : KHORA.teatro; live set di Paky Di Maio
20 luglio '17 Castello di Maniace 21:00 p.zza d'Armi
nel quadro degli Eventi programmati per celebrare i
2750 anni dalla Fondazione della Città di SIRACUSA
con il Patrocinio di:
- Ass.to Turismo Sport Spettacolo Regione Siciliana
- Comune di Siracusa
- Siracusa2750
a Cura di: Comunità Euro-Afro-Asiatica del Turismo
Box-Office Sicilia circuito www.ctbox.it/C24/2388/Content.aspx/Eventi/Teatro/Alessandro_Preziosi_in_Prometeo_20_07_2017
BOXOL Sicilia https://www.boxol.it/it/event/alessandro-preziosi-in-prometeo-piazza-darmi-castello-maniace-siracusa/211184
In occasione dei festeggiamenti per i 2750 anni dalla fondazione della città di Siracusa, si rinnova l’impegno della Comunità Euro-Afro-Asiatica del Turismo, che ha deciso di rendere il dovuto omaggio alla cultura mediterranea, valorizzando appieno le risorse del patrimonio storicoculturale-architettonico-ambientale che la città ha raccolto in oltre due millenni di storia.
Su queste basi continuano e si intensificano le attività iniziate lo scorso anno, inserendo nel calendario degli appuntamenti estivi della città di Siracusa, oltre all’Ortigia Sound System Festival, un recital teatrale e una mostra.
“Questa programmazione”, afferma il Presidente Marco Zuccarello, “è espressione di varie sensibilità culturali, che intendono fondersi per dare il giusto merito all’anniversario in un ideale percorso che prende le mosse dal passato per puntare sul futuro”.
Non a caso, il primo evento di questo vero e proprio viaggio tra immagini, parole e musica sarà il recital PROMETEO, interpretato da ALESSANDRO PREZIOSI, che si terrà giovedì 20 luglio alle ore 21 in Piazza D’Armi, nella splendida cornice del Castello Maniace.
L’attore napoletano porterà in scena il collaudato spettacolo della compagnia KHORA.teatro, vestendo i panni del Titano Prometeo protagonista della nota trilogia di Eschilo. Un recital che va oltre il mito di Prometeo per indagare la condizione di un uomo, un uomo solo che si interroga fino quasi a divorarsi, nella sua incontenibile esigenza di dialogo con uomini e dei.
Nei panni di Prometeo, Alessandro Preziosi si domanda ossessivamente su cosa sia il Bene e cosa sia il Male, interprete dell’eterno afflato di assoluto che contraddistingue propriamente la nostra natura umana, e si dibatte nella presunta colpa di aver voluto carpire ciò che deve restare Mistero.
Nel percorso drammaturgico del recital, accompagnato dal vivo da una vera e propria colonna sonora ad hoc realizzata da Paky Di Maio, si alternano citazioni di Simon Weil, Goethe, Byron e San Paolo, che forniscono nuove chiavi di lettura al mito, il simbolo stesso della condizione esistenziale umana e della sfida del pensiero libero.
I festeggiamenti proseguiranno con l’inaugurazione della Mostra 2750, una collezione di manifesti realizzata dall’artista calabrese Nicola Rotiroti per omaggiare ciascuno dei dieci Paesi partecipanti alle celebrazioni: Malta, Francia, Spagna, Portogallo, Croazia, Romania, Germania, Danimarca, Grecia, Irlanda e Ibiza (Isole Baleari). La mostra sarà visitabile fino al 30/7/2017 all’interno dell’Info Point del Palazzo della Provincia. info@senzaconfine.net
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40 Messaggi: 37785
Inviato: Sab Lug 15, 2017 20:33 Oggetto: PROMETEO 15/09/17 Carpi 22:00, FESTIVAL FILOSOFIA sulle ARTI |
"PROMETEO" reading di e con Alessandro PREZIOSI
produzione: KHORA.teatro - live set di Paky Di Maio
ven. 15 settembre 22:00 CARPI (MO) piazza Martiri
con il Patrocinio di CNI Unesco; Programma creativo
x gli appuntamenti della rassegna: ingresso gratuito
L’edizione 2017 del FestivalFILOSOFIA, in programma dal 15 al 17 settembre nel territorio Modena-Carpi-Sassuolo, sarà dedicata alle Arti e ne esplorerà la radice comune con le tecniche, che si manifesta negli oggetti “fatti ad arte”, con la maestria che accomuna artisti e artigiani in tutti i campi del produrre, anche quelli ad alta tecnologia. Si indagherà il carattere artificiale non solo delle opere, ma della stessa umanità nell’epoca in cui le biotecnologie permettono la manipolazione e riproduzione della vita. E si punterà a guardare dentro le officine e gli atelier, per far emergere i procedimenti e le forme della creazione artistica contemporanea.
[foto di Federico Massari]
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Registrato: 07/01/11 10:40 Messaggi: 3669 Residenza: Madrid (España)
Inviato: Sab Lug 15, 2017 22:55 Oggetto: |
Oh carissima Mayte,
Hai scritto cose troppo belle e vere su il nostro caro Ale, sono completamente d'accordo con te.
E so che tutto quello che dici sono parole che senti veramente e scritto con amore, e so, perché aviamo parlato molte volte, giusto cara Mayte?
Brava Mayte!!!
Grazie Mayte e tanti baci con grande affetto da Madrid.
Marisol _________________ La vera ricchezza è prendere la vita con amore, donando amore.
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28 Messaggi: 283 Residenza: USA
Inviato: Dom Lug 16, 2017 03:47 Oggetto: |
Alessandro, Here is part one of a Prose passage copied from ‘Scheveningen’ by Henri Alphonse Esquiros, that Vincent van Gogh sent to his brother.
From: Vincent van Gogh
To: Theo van Gogh
Date: Amsterdam, probably May 1877
(Note: van Gogh occasionally skips bits of text as well as whole sentences. There are, moreover, a few slight differences to the printed version.)
Holland’s coasts are hidden by ranges of dunes that deprive the traveller of the sight of the waters. After a long and arduous climb up these sandy hills, raise your eyes, and there’s the sea! This North Sea was poorly known to the ancients, who imagined it in terms of fables and superstitious terrors. Even Tacitus pictured it as being churned up by constant winds and inhabited by monsters. The fact is that its coasts are stormy, and its color is variable; in the foreground it is a scummy yellow that looks like dirty washing water, further off, a weak green, and in the distance, a faded blue that blends into the wavy line of the sky. Here and there, great clouds cast their sombre shadows obliquely over this indistinct mirror. No rocks, no cliffs break the force of the waves: this sea rolls on its sandy bed, which it had made for itself and which it is constantly expanding. The physiognomy of Holland’s coasts varies very little: sand, and more sand, water and more water, sky and more sky. On these coasts, which give the impression of being limitless, there stand, between the mouth of the Maas and Den Helder, a number of fishing villages.
The most interesting of these villages is Scheveningen. The beach at Scheveningen is frequented by bathers during the summer. At that time of year, a pretty village, linked with The Hague by a tree-lined road, and a promenade built of timber that disappears among the dunes, welcomes foreigners from every country. Here everything shows the effects of proximity to the Ocean. The church, which by no means lacks elegance, contains the enormous skull and a few vertebrae of a sperm whale that was cast up on the shore in a storm, in 1617. These silent fragments are like a commentary on these words of Job: “The monsters proclaim Thee, O Lord”. In the main street, which leads to the sea, are to be found several vendors of shellfish.
"I am still far from being what I want to be, but with God’s help I shall succeed.”
―Vincent van Gogh
"The foolish man conceives the idea of 'self.' The wise man sees there is no ground on which to build the idea of 'self;' thus, he has a right conception of the world and well concludes that all compounds amassed by sorrow will be dissolved again, but the truth will remain."
"What'd you say? Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more, no more, no more, no more. Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back no more."
―Ray Charles
Later Preziosi, Namaste, me. _________________ Patricia.
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28 Messaggi: 283 Residenza: USA
Inviato: Lun Lug 17, 2017 03:25 Oggetto: |
Alessandro, here's part two of a Prose passage copied from ‘Scheveningen’ by Henri Alphonse Esquiros, that Vincent van Gogh sent to his brother Theo in 1877 when Vincent was around 24 years old.
From: Vincent van Gogh
To: Theo van Gogh
Date: Amsterdam, probably May 1877
This sea, whose voice can be heard, shows itself only when the traveller’s feet are almost at the water. The sudden delight of surprise, and the grandeur of the scene that then opens up, fully compensate for the gradation of effects found on other shores. A fishing fleet, whose smacks are beached on the sand, or riding at anchor, or scattered out at sea like the thoughts of the sea’s brain, associates the image of labour with historical memories. Here the Ocean must be proud of Holland and the Dutch; in 1673, De Ruyter defeated the English and French fleets within sight of Scheveningen. This little village is Holland’s Cherbourg. It has seen exiles and royal misfortunes. It was a cold January day in 1795; the fishermen were loading two boats with packages and travelling trunks; from a conveyance that appeared at the far end of the village came a man enveloped in a wide cloak and a woman carrying a child in her arms. That man was the Prince of Orange; the child was the grandson of the last Stadholder, the future King William II. In 1813, this shore once again saw and welcomed amid acclamations (the Empire had just fallen) the representative of that same family that now occupies the throne of the Netherlands.
If you continue your walk along the sands to the right you will find the spa hotel, where people from The Hague come on Sunday evenings to listen to music. At nightfall, when the sea steals from the sky all its stars, it is a solemn and magnificent prospect. I have seen, in front of this hotel, a display of fireworks on the water, whose subject was, of course, the burning of a ship. I am not especially fond of rockets or Roman candles, but in this case the vulgarity of such entertainments was redeemed by its theatrical grandeur. The darkling sea was almost in itself worth the whole cost of the performance, and with its sublime din, with those tattered clouds, with the only too real catastrophes which the imagination could picture to itself in this pretended conflagration, the scene by no means lacked majesty. And yet this main street, these baths, these cafés, these hotels – all of that is not Scheveningen. A person may have spent many summers in this place and yet not know the fishing village at all. Behind some elegant dwellings, which are a true example of trompe l’oeil, are hidden narrow streets, and poor brick hovels, in which a silent and wretched population conceals itself. At the doors of these poky cubby-holes, in front of which are drying washing, nets, red shirts and strings of fish threaded on a line, there appears from time to time the figure of a woman, sad, aged and wasted by fever. Children play in the midst of all this wretchedness, as if it were one of the privileges of their age to be unaware of misfortune and poverty.
"How can I be useful, of what service can I be? There is something inside me, what can it be?”
―Vincent van Gogh
"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't."
―Mark Twain
"I only go out to get me a fresh appetite for being alone."
―Lord Byron
Later Preziosi, Aloha! me. _________________ Patricia.
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28 Messaggi: 283 Residenza: USA
Inviato: Mar Lug 18, 2017 02:57 Oggetto: |
Alessandro, here is part three of a Prose passage copied from ‘Scheveningen’ by Henri Alphonse Esquiros, that Vincent van Gogh sent to Theo about one hundred and forty years ago.
From: Vincent van Gogh
To: Theo van Gogh
Date: Amsterdam, probably May 1877
The population of Scheveningen is 6,800, of whom only 450 are Catholics. It should be noted that the majority of the innkeepers and fish merchants profess the Catholic faith, whereas the shipowners and the fishermen are Protestants. For the village there are two government schools, which we visited and which are kept in perfect order. The first, if truth be told, is a ward in an asylum, which holds 250 children of both sexes. The children leave this first school at the age of about six, and then enter the primary school, which has 500 pupils. Teaching is shared among a head, five assistant masters and five monitors. The children are taught reading, writing, arithmetic, geography and a little history. They leave this second school at between ten and twelve years of age: the boats claim them.
The fishermen’s language is a kind of patois that is fundamentally different from ordinary Dutch, and in which some linguists have believed they recognize traces of the Anglo-Saxon that seems to have been the source of the national language. Their dress, especially the women’s, is distinctive. In the winter, they wear a bodice of serge or calico, a brown serge skirt, a long cape of the same stuff and the same color, lined in red, with a tall, stiff collar. There is something austere and monkish about this form of clothing; one must in any case admit that it is well suited to the climate and to their occupation. A large hat of coarse straw with a border of black ribbon, lined in flower-printed calico, bent slightly downward on either side and rising at the back and the front like a boat, enables them to hold up to three or four baskets on their heads. These women are tall, and robustly built, with rather plain but healthy-looking faces, blue eyes with somewhat drooping lids, and sturdy limbs. By the age of thirty they have already lost much of their freshness; their skin is weather-beaten, a condition due, no doubt, to the proximity of the sea and to their living in the dunes. The dunes form a country within the country itself; the sand reflects the sun’s rays more strongly than elsewhere; this is Holland’s Arabia.
“Conscience is a man’s compass”
―Vincent van Gogh
"The true and the approximately true are apprehended by the same faculty; it may also be noted that men have a sufficient natural instinct for what is true, and usually do arrive at the truth. Hence the man who makes a good guess at truth is likely to make a good guess at probabilities."
"Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow."
―William Shakespeare
Later Preziosi, Ciao, me. _________________ Patricia.
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28 Messaggi: 283 Residenza: USA
Inviato: Mer Lug 19, 2017 03:51 Oggetto: |
Alessandro, here is part four of a Prose passage copied from ‘Scheveningen’ by Henri Alphonse Esquiros, that Vincent van Gogh sent to his brother. Vincent omitted the following sentence: "Scheveningen furnishes almost no domestic staff: girls and boys, no one wants to be a servant." Why? Because he wanted to.
From: Vincent van Gogh
To: Theo van Gogh
Date: Amsterdam, probably May 1877
The men are comparatively short in stature; their dress – black jacket and trousers – does not suit their bearing, which is serious, but awkward. They have round faces, short necks, usually brown and curly hair. Their great treasures are their shirt-buttons and the silver buckles which they attach to their feet and their belts. This conservatism in their dress, especially the women’s, this consistency in their physical traits, these racial characteristics that are preserved due to the concern shown by the boys and girls of Scheveningen to marry only amongst themselves, are all, perhaps, a consequence of their dealings with the sea. The Ocean, in which some poets have believed they have seen an image of inconstancy, is, on the contrary, an image of eternity; of all the elements, it is the one that has suffered the fewest vicissitudes since the beginning of the world.
The dawn of creation saw it born thus, and thus it still rolls today. It moves, it does not change. The Ocean sets its ever-moving stability against the forces of time that undermine the rocks, that alter the level of the continents, that transform living nature and human destinies. The ways of the fishermen who live on the coast share the nature of the Ocean. They have none of the habits of the city. The essence of their character is independence. It seems that dealings with the sea foster in them the sense of human dignity.
"In spite of everything I shall rise again: I will take up my pencil, which I have forsaken in my great discouragement, and I will go on with my drawing”
―Vincent van Gogh
"Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self-sustained."
―Mahatma Gandhi
"You speak of Lord Byron and me; there is this great difference between us. He describes what he sees I describe what I imagine. Mine is the hardest task."
―John Keats
Later Preziosi, Namaste, me. _________________ Patricia.
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40 Messaggi: 37785
Inviato: Mer Lug 19, 2017 10:52 Oggetto: PROMETEO reading 20/07/2017 SIRACUSA, Castello Maniace 21:00 |
ha scritto: |
Siracusa: Alessandro Preziosi in scena con
“PROMETEO” APRE i festeggiamenti per il
2750° anniversario di fondazione della città
Alessandro Preziosi incontrerà la stampa, in occasione del recital “Prometeo”, in programma giovedì 20 luglio alle ore 21 in piazza D’Armi, all’interno del Castello Maniace. L’incontro con i giornalisti, si terrà alle 11 presso la sede dell’assessorato ai Beni Culturali del Comune di Siracusa in via Mirabella 29.
Saranno presenti, il vice sindaco, Francesco Italia, il presidente del Comitato per i 2750 anni di Siracusa, Pucci Piccione e Marco Zuccarello, dell’associazione Euro Afro Asiatic.
Le prevendite saranno disponibili all'Info Point/Biglietteria al Palazzo del Governo di Siracusa in via Roma, aperta dalle 10.30-13.30/16.30-23.30
Box-Office Sicilia circuito www.ctbox.it/C24/2388/Content.aspx/Eventi/Teatro/Alessandro_Preziosi_in_Prometeo_20_07_2017
BOXOL Sicilia https://www.boxol.it/it/event/alessandro-preziosi-in-prometeo-piazza-darmi-castello-maniace-siracusa/211184
L'ultima modifica di genziana il Gio Lug 20, 2017 01:56, modificato 3 volte
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Registrato: 07/01/11 10:40 Messaggi: 3669 Residenza: Madrid (España)
Inviato: Mer Lug 19, 2017 12:33 Oggetto: |
Mio caro Ale,
Sono sicura che il tuo Prometeo sarà un grande succeso perchè sei il meglio, e è in un posto bellissimo e magico, dove la tua voce si sentirà meglio come mai, perche la tua voce è bellíssima, profonda, penetrante...unica !!!
Ancora una volta, un grande peccato non godere di vederti in questo spettacolo.
Caro Ale, IN BOCCA AL LUPO per domani a Siracusa !!!
Tanti baci con grande affetto da Madrid !!!
Marisol _________________ La vera ricchezza è prendere la vita con amore, donando amore.
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Registrato: 16/04/12 20:20 Messaggi: 2899 Residenza: Deggendorf/Deutschland
Inviato: Mer Lug 19, 2017 13:30 Oggetto: |
Ciao caro amico Ale!
Anche, da parte mia,
IN BOCCA AL LUPO per domani sera a Siracusa!!!
Sono sicuro, come la mia carissima amica Marisol:
Sarai fantastico, meraviglioso e bellissimo, con una voce bellissima e indimenticabile, come sempre!
Baci enorme con grande affetto, da Germania!
Bea _________________
Mi dispiace per il mio cattivo italiano
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Registrato: 25/09/15 20:30 Messaggi: 371 Residenza: BARCELONA
Inviato: Mer Lug 19, 2017 15:42 Oggetto: |
Ammirato Alessandro, era impossibile che non fossi presente, chi migliore che tuo per Rappresentare la cultura mediterranea del che tanto orgoglioso ti senti.
Di nuovo devo dispiacermi di non potere assistere ad una delle tue letture, sempre profonde, e Inquietanti che non ti lasciano indifferenti e ti aprono una porta alla riflessione sul futuro ed il modo di condurre la tua propria vita.
Assolo spero avere l'opportunità di qualche volta viverlo in diretto.
Come so che il successo sta assicurato mi rimane solo che augurarti che sia una gran e magica notte.
Con carño, Mayte _________________
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28 Messaggi: 283 Residenza: USA
Inviato: Gio Lug 20, 2017 03:13 Oggetto: |
Alessandro, here's the exciting conclusion of a Prose passage copied from ‘Scheveningen’ by Henri Alphonse Esquiros, that Vincent Willem van Gogh sent to his favorite brother Theodorus "Theo" van Gogh.
From: Vincent van Gogh
To: Theo van Gogh
Date: Amsterdam, probably May 1877
These men have no love of the land; they need space, the free vastness of the seas, the untamed flood, the sky, blue by day, full of stars by night, the sharp north wind, the mind of a man standing upright in his actions like the ship’s mast upon the movements of the Ocean. Soldiers of toil, they love deliberately to brave the lightning’s bolt, the whinnying of the waves that run, without a bit and foaming at the mouth, about the boat’s keel. On land, they are homesick. Strangers to social conventions, they wish to be neither governed nor protected. This feeling of independence can be seen on their faces. Sailors and fishermen differ from other men in the way they carry their heads high as they walk. One would at the very least say that for them was written Ovid’s line: He gave man a face that looks at the sky.
This love of liberty even rubs off on their religious beliefs. As we have seen, all, or almost all, of the fishermen of the coast are Protestant; they acknowledge only two books that have the right to speak to them of God: the Bible and the sea. It appears that the Ocean exerts a moral and sanctifying effect on them. Drunkenness is rare among the fishermen of Scheveningen, but even those who drink Hollands gin to excess on land abstain from any form of intemperance when they are at sea. Swearing is unknown on board a boat. The seafaring life strengthens and increases religious feelings in these simple and ignorant men. When a fishing boat sails, each fisherman takes his Bible with him. A meal is never eaten without grace being said, and is also followed by a prayer of thanks. On Sunday, if the men are at sea, they abstain from fishing, and if they are on land, the singing of the Psalms can be heard in their little houses from morning onwards.
Alphonse Esquiros
"I am not an adventurer by choice but by fate.”
―Vincent van Gogh
"Opinions are made to be changed - or how is truth to be got at?"
―Lord Byron
"Prometheus heretofore went up to heaven, and stole fire from thence. Have not I as much boldness as he?"
―Cyrano De Bergerac
Later Preziosi, Toodles! me. _________________ Patricia.
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40 Messaggi: 37785
Inviato: Gio Lug 20, 2017 12:05 Oggetto: PROMETEO reading 20/07/2017 SIRACUSA, Castello Maniace 21:00 |
ha scritto: |
un'esortazione a guardare oltre, Alessandro Preziosi
recita "PROMETEO" al Castello Maniace - SIRACUSA
LA SICILIA ed. SIRACUSA - Spettacoli; di Mariolina Lo Bello, 19/07/17
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40 Messaggi: 37785
Inviato: Gio Lug 20, 2017 12:05 Oggetto: PROMETEO recital 20/07/17 Maniace, 2750° fondazione SIRACUSA |
ha scritto: |
Siracusa il recital: Preziosi è Prometeo a Ortigia
LA REPUBBLICA ed. Palermo - Giorno&Notte pagina 12 20/07/2017
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