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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40 Messaggi: 37785
Inviato: Mar Ago 15, 2017 11:33 Oggetto: PROMETEO 15/09/17 Carpi 22:00, FESTIVAL FILOSOFIA sulle ARTI |
"PROMETEO" reading di e con Alessandro PREZIOSI
produzione: KHORA.teatro - live set di Paky Di Maio
ven. 15 settembre 22:00 CARPI (MO) Piazza Martiri
ingresso gratuito; in caso di maltempo lo spettacolo
si terrà presso: tensostruttura di Piazzale Re Astolfo
con il Patrocinio di CNI Unesco; Programma creativo
sotto l'Alto Patronato del Presidente della Repubblica
L’edizione 2017 del FestivalFILOSOFIA, in programma dal 15 al 17 settembre nel territorio Modena-Carpi-Sassuolo, sarà dedicata alle Arti e ne esplorerà la radice comune con le tecniche, che si manifesta negli oggetti “fatti ad arte”, con la maestria che accomuna artisti e artigiani in tutti i campi del produrre, anche quelli ad alta tecnologia. Si indagherà il carattere artificiale non solo delle opere, ma della stessa umanità nell’epoca in cui le biotecnologie permettono la manipolazione e riproduzione della vita. E si punterà a guardare dentro le officine e gli atelier, per far emergere i procedimenti e le forme della creazione artistica contemporanea.
Accompagnato dalle percussioni di Paky Di Maio, Alessandro Preziosi porta in scena non solo il Prometeo incatenato riconosciuto dal mito, ma la vicenda di un uomo divorato dalla passione per il dialogo con dèi e uomini.
Il Titano che rubò il fuoco a Zeus e fece dono agli uomini delle arti e delle tecniche diviene simbolo del pensiero libero. Tra il mito e le sue riletture – da Simone Weil a Goethe a Byron – Preziosi cuce un racconto sul modo in cui la disobbedienza agli dèi e al destino e la conquista del saper fare siano la caratteristica essenziale dei mortali.
L'ultima modifica di genziana il Mer Set 13, 2017 07:04, modificato 1 volta
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Registrato: 25/11/11 16:51 Messaggi: 3593 Residenza: OLBIA
Inviato: Mar Ago 15, 2017 21:06 Oggetto: |
un magnifico evento, in bocca al lupo al nostro capitano... beato chi potrà esserci _________________
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28 Messaggi: 283 Residenza: USA
Inviato: Mer Ago 16, 2017 03:15 Oggetto: |
Alessandro, here is the Report drawn up by Joseph d’Ornano, Chief of Police, in response to the petition from local residents. Arles, February 27, 1889.
D’Ornano also signed each statement. You will see Vincent's so called "friend", Joseph Ginoux’s signature in the petition and the statement of offence against Vincent. Though his account seemed forced and added nothing to the other complaints, Joseph Ginoux was the fifth witness for the prosecution cross- examined by the French Police.
Still, a few days before the petition Ginoux had told Pastor Salles that Vincent drank with moderation- just the opposite of what was said in the petition… An incorrigible hypocrite, or an impressionable personality? Vincent stayed at his home several months, painted his café (Café de Nuit), made several portraits of his wife and himself. He always trusted in his friendship and never knew, or so it seemed, about his betrayal.
'The year eighteen hundred and eighty-nine and the twenty-seventh of February;
We, Joseph d’Ornano, Chief Inspector of Police in the city of Arles, officer of the criminal police, assistant to the Public Prosecutor;
Considering the enclosed petition of the residents of place de Lamartine, concerning the behaviour of Mr Vincent van Gogh, a Dutch subject, suffering from mental disturbance;
Considering the attached report by Doctor Delon dated the 7th of this month and the instructions of the Mayor of Arles, ordering that van Gogh’s degree of madness be established;
Have opened an inquiry and interviewed those named below:
1st Mr Bernard Soulè, aged 63, landlord, of 53 avenue Montmajour, who made the following declaration to me:
As the managing agent of the house occupied by Mr Vincent van Gogh, I had occasion to speak with him yesterday and to observe that he is suffering from mental disturbance, because his conversation is incoherent and his mind wandering. Furthermore, I have heard it said that this man is prone to inappropriate touching of women living in the neighbourhood; I have even been assured that they actually no longer feel at ease in their homes, because he enters their residences.
In short, it is a matter of urgency that this insane man be confined in a special asylum, especially in view of the fact that van Gogh’s presence in our neighbourhood compromises public safety.
Read, agreed and signed
2nd Mrs Marguerite Favier, married name Crévoulin, aged 32, provision merchant, of place de Lamartine, who told us the following:
I occupy the same house as Mr Vincent van Gogh, who is truly insane. This individual comes into my shop and makes a nuisance of himself. He insults my customers and is prone to inappropriate touching of women from the neighbourhood, whom he follows into their residences. In fact, everyone in the neighbourhood is frightened on account of the presence of the said Van Gogh, who will certainly become a threat to public safety.
Read, agreed and signed with us,
Mrs Crévoulin
3rd Mrs Maria Ortoul, married name Viany, aged 40, tobacconist, of place de Lamartine, who confirmed the previous witness’s declaration
And read, agreed and signed
Maria Ourtoul
4th Mrs Jeanne Corrias, married name Coulomb, aged 42, dressmaker, of 24 place de Lamartine, who made the following declaration:
Mr van Gogh, who lives in the same neighbourhood as myself, has become increasingly mad in the past few days, and everyone in the vicinity is frightened. The women, especially, no longer feel comfortable, because he is prone to touching them inappropriately, and makes obscene remarks in their presence.
In my own case, I was seized round the waist outside Mr Crévoulin’s shop by this individual the day before yesterday, Monday, and lifted off my feet. In short, this madman is becoming a threat to public safety, and everyone is demanding that he be confined in a special establishment.
Read, agreed and signed
Mrs Coulomb
5th Mr Joseph Ginoux, aged 45, café owner, of place de Lamartine, who agreed that the facts recounted by the previous witness are true and genuine, and has stated that he had nothing to add to her deposition
And read, agreed and signed.
Mr Vincent van Gogh is truly suffering from mental disturbance; however, we have noted on several occasions that this madman has moments of lucidity. van Gogh
is not yet a threat to public safety, but there are fears that he may become so. All his neighbours are frightened, and with good cause, because a few weeks ago, the madman concerned cut off an ear in a fit of insanity, a crisis that could be repeated and be harmful to somebody in his vicinity.
Chief of Police
Given that the foregoing enquiries and our personal observations show that Mr Vincent Van Gogh is suffering from mental disturbance, and that he could become a threat to public safety; we are of the opinion that there are grounds for detaining this patient in a special asylum.
Chief of Police
In view of which I have written this report, to be submitted for the purposes of the law, and have signed;
Arles, third March eighteen hundred and eighty-nine
Chief of Police
"Do not quench your inspiration and your imagination; do not become the slave of your model.”
― Vincent van Gogh
"I am a humble but very earnest seeker after truth."
― Mahatma Gandhi
"Common Sense is that which judges the things given to it by other senses."
―Leonardo da Vinci
Later Preziosi, Namaste! me. _________________ Patricia.
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28 Messaggi: 283 Residenza: USA
Inviato: Gio Ago 17, 2017 02:20 Oggetto: |
In this message, Alessandro, Theo is writing to Dr. Peyron to request that Vincent be admitted into his institution. It's interesting that there were different classes under which people were admitted to these places. Here Theo requests only the "best" for Vincent, "3rd-class."
From: Theo van Gogh
To: Théophile Peyron.
Date: Paris, April 24, 1889.
'Dear Director,
With the agreement of the person involved, who is my brother, I am writing to request the admission into your institution of: Vincent Willem van Gogh, painter aged 36, born at Groot Zundert (Holland) and at present living in Arles. I ask you to admit him with your 3rd-class residents. Since his confinement is requested primarily in order to prevent a recurrence of past crises, and not because his mental state is compromised at present, I hope you will have no objection to allowing him the freedom to paint outside the institution when he wishes to do so. Further, without elaborating on the attention that he will require, but which I assume is given with the same care to all your residents, I ask you to be so kind as to allow him to have at least 1/2 liter of wine with his meals.’
"How right it is to love flowers and the greenery of pines and ivy and hawthorn hedges; they have been with us from the very beginning.”
― Vincent van Gogh
"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away."
― Elvis Presley
"All the gold which is under or upon the earth is not enough to give in exchange for virtue."
Later Preziosi, Ciao! me. _________________ Patricia.
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40 Messaggi: 37785
Inviato: Gio Ago 17, 2017 11:59 Oggetto: -TOTO' oltre la maschera- reading 27/08/17 Certosa di CAPRI |
omaggio ad Antonio De Curtis a 50 anni dalla morte
reading CAPRI domenica 27 agosto 2017, ore 21:30
Certosa San Giacomo "TOTO' OLTRE LA MASCHERA"
con Alessandro Preziosi; chitarra di Daniele Bonaviri
[Foto: Nicola Cerzosimo - Serramezzana - Palazzo Materazzi]
Totò (Napoli, 15 febbraio 1898 – Roma, 15 aprile 1967), è l’attore simbolo dello spettacolo comico in Italia. “Il principe della risata”, così soprannominato (anche in virtù dei suoi titoli nobiliari) è considerato, ancora oggi a 50 anni dalla sua scomparsa, tra i maggiori interpreti nella storia del teatro e del cinema italiani.
È stato drammaturgo, poeta, paroliere, cantante. Accostato a comici come Buster Keaton e Charlie Chaplin, ma anche ai fratelli Marx o a Ettore Petrolini, in quasi cinquant’anni di carriera Totò spazia dal teatro (con oltre 50 titoli), al cinema (con 97 pellicole), alla televisione (con 9 telefilm e vari sketch pubblicitari), lavorando con molti tra i più noti protagonisti dello spettacolo italiano, come Peppino De Filippo, Anna Magnani, Titina De Filippo, Ave Ninchi, Vittorio De Sica, Macario, Gianni Agus, Nino Taranto, Aldo Fabrizi, Fernandel, Raimondo Vianello, Ugo Tognazzi, giusto per citarne qualcuno.
La sua unicità interpretativa gli consentiva di eccellere sia in ruoli puramente brillanti che in parti più impegnate, verso le quali si orientò nell’ultima fase della sua vita.
Ancora oggi Totò è il comico italiano più popolare di sempre. Talune sue celebri battute, espressioni-mimiche e gag sono divenute perifrasi entrate nel linguaggio comune. I suoi film, molti dei quali rimasti attuali per satira e ironia, visti all’epoca da oltre 270 milioni di spettatori (un primato nella storia del cinema italiano) vengono ancora oggi costantemente trasmessi in TV, riscuotendo successo anche tra il pubblico più giovane. [fonte: Regione Campania]
Benvenuti! siete in Alessandro Preziosi official Forum
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28 Messaggi: 283 Residenza: USA
Inviato: Ven Ago 18, 2017 03:25 Oggetto: |
Alessandro, here's registration information. Le grand registre de l’asile de Saint-Rémy. van Gogh was admitted on May 8, 1889 and discharged on May 16, 1890.
[Surnames, Forenames, Age, Place of Residence and Occupation of the person admitted]
Mr Vincent van Gogh, aged 36, Painter, born in Holland at Groot Zundert, at present living in Arles (Bouches du Rhône)
[Surnames, Forenames, Age, Place of Residence, Occupation and position of the person having the patient admitted]
Mr Théodore van Gogh, aged 32, born in Holland, living in Paris (Seine), patient’s brother
[Transcript of the Doctor’s Certificate attached to the request]
I the undersigned, Chief Medical Officer at Arles Hospital, certify that six months ago the man named Vincent van Gogh, aged 35, suffered an attack of acute mania with generalised delirium. At that time he cut off his ear. At present his condition has greatly improved, but he nevertheless thinks it helpful to be cared for in a mental asylum.
Arles May 7, 1889, Dr Urpar
certified accurate, Dr T. Peyron, Director
"I long so much to make beautiful things. But beautiful things require effort and disappointment and perseverance.”
― Vincent van Gogh
"Those who have failed to work toward the truth have missed the purpose of living.”
― Buddha
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
―William Shakespeare
Later Preziosi, Namaste! me. _________________ Patricia.
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 07/01/11 10:40 Messaggi: 3669 Residenza: Madrid (España)
Inviato: Ven Ago 18, 2017 19:53 Oggetto: |
Ieri un giorno molto triste per tutte le persone che amano la pace e condannano la violenza, di qualsiasi tipo.
Oggi siamo tutti Barcellona.
Ieri un giorno molto triste per tutte le persone che amano la pace e condannano la violenza, di qualsiasi tipo.
Oggi siamo tutti Barcellona.
Tanti baci con grande affetto da Madrid
Marisol _________________ La vera ricchezza è prendere la vita con amore, donando amore.
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Helena x
Registrato: 08/10/06 18:42 Messaggi: 7809
Inviato: Ven Ago 18, 2017 19:56 Oggetto: Cara... |
Helena ! _________________
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28 Messaggi: 283 Residenza: USA
Inviato: Sab Ago 19, 2017 02:52 Oggetto: |
Alessandro, Here is a Transcript of the 24-hour and two-week certificates issued by Dr. Peyron.
‘I the undersigned, Doctor of medicine, Director of the St Rémy mental home, certify that the man named Vincent van Gogh, aged 36, a native of Holland and at present domiciled in Arles (Bouches du Rhône), under treatment at this city’s infirmary, suffered an attack of acute mania with visual and auditory hallucinations that led him to mutilate himself by cutting off his ear. Today he appears to have regained his reason, but he does not feel that he has the strength or the courage to live independently and has himself asked to be admitted to the home. Based on all the above, I consider that Mr van Gogh is subject to attacks of epilepsy, separated by long intervals, and that it is advisable to place him under long-term observation in the institution.
St Rémy May 9, 1889, Dr T. Peyron
I the undersigned, Doctor of medicine, Director of the St Rémy mental home, certify that the man named Vincent van Gogh, aged 36, born in Holland, admitted on May 8, 1889 suffering from acute mania with visual and auditory hallucinations, has shown a perceptible improvement in his condition, but that it is advisable to keep him in the institution in order to continue his treatment.
St Rémy May 25, 1889, Dr T. Peyron’
"We spent our whole lives in unconsous excercise of the art of expressing our thoughts with the help of words”
― Vincent van Gogh
"It is error only, and not truth, that shrinks from inquiry."
― Thomas Paine
"Words empty as the wind are best left unsaid."
Later Preziosi, Namaste! me. _________________ Patricia.
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 07/01/11 10:40 Messaggi: 3669 Residenza: Madrid (España)
Inviato: Sab Ago 19, 2017 18:00 Oggetto: Re: Cara... |
Helena x ha scritto: | CARISSIMI,
Helena ! |
Grazie mille carissima Helena!!!
Tanti baci con grande affetto da Madrid.
Marisol _________________ La vera ricchezza è prendere la vita con amore, donando amore.
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28 Messaggi: 283 Residenza: USA
Inviato: Dom Ago 20, 2017 03:53 Oggetto: |
Alessandro, These are Dr. Peyron's monthly notes on Vincent.
[Date of admission] admitted May 8, 1889
'This patient comes from the hospital in Arles, where he has been under treatment for several months; he was admitted there following an attack of acute mania, which occurred suddenly, accompanied by visual and auditory hallucinations that terrified him. During that attack he cut off his left ear, but he has no more than a vague memory of all that, and is not aware of it.
He tells us that his mother’s sister was epileptic, and that there are several cases in his family. What has happened to this patient may be no more than a continuation of what has happened to several members of his family. He tried to resume his normal life when he left the infirmary in Arles, but he was forced to return there after two days because he was again experiencing bizarre sensations and bad dreams during the night; it is from that hospital that he comes directly to the mental home, at his own request.'
The following entry was added when van Gogh left the asylum
'During his stay in the home, this patient, who was calm for most of the time, had several attacks lasting for between two weeks and a month; during these attacks, the patient is subject to terrifying fears, and on several occasions he has attempted to poison himself, either by swallowing colors that he used for painting, or by ingesting paraffin, which he had taken from the boy while he was filling his lamps.
The last attack he had occurred following a journey that he made to Arles, and it lasted approximately two months. In the interval between attacks the patient is perfectly calm and lucid, and passionately devotes himself to painting. He is asking to be discharged today, in order to go to live in the north of France, hoping that that climate will suit him better.'
[Date of discharge] discharged May 16, 1890
[Comments] Recovery.
Dr T. Peyron’
"Your profession is not what brings home your weekly paycheck, your profession is what you're put here on earth to do, with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling.”
― Vincent van Gogh
"There are sadistic scientists who hurry to hunt down errors instead of establishing the truth."
― Marie Curie
"Love is the beauty of the soul."
―Saint Augustine
Later Preziosi, Love ya! me. _________________ Patricia.
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40 Messaggi: 37785
Inviato: Lun Ago 21, 2017 11:57 Oggetto: NO al terrorismo e alla violenza |
San Lorenzo, io lo so perché tanto
di stelle per l’aria tranquilla
arde e cade, perché sì gran pianto
nel concavo cielo sfavilla.
Ritornava una rondine al tetto:
l’uccisero: cadde tra spini:
ella aveva nel becco un insetto:
la cena de’ suoi rondinini.
Ora è là, come in croce, che tende
quel verme a quel cielo lontano;
e il suo nido è nell’ombra, che attende,
che pigola sempre più piano.
Anche un uomo tornava al suo nido:
l’uccisero: disse: Perdono;
e restò negli aperti occhi un grido:
portava due bambole in dono…
Ora là, nella casa romita,
lo aspettano, aspettano in vano:
egli immobile, attonito, addita
le bambole al cielo lontano.
E tu, Cielo, dall’alto dei mondi
sereni, infinito, immortale,
oh! d’un pianto di stelle lo inondi
quest’atomo opaco del Male!
"10 agosto" di Giovanni Pascoli
dalla raccolta "Myricae" (1891)
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28 Messaggi: 283 Residenza: USA
Inviato: Lun Ago 21, 2017 16:28 Oggetto: |
Alessandro, i'm getting ready to watch the eclipse and since I have the day off and have some free time on my hands I thought I would comment earlier today. here's a note that Dr. Peyron added to a Letter that Vincent sent to Theo, September 2, 1889.
From: Théophile Peyron
To: Theo van Gogh.
Date: Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, on or about September 2, 1889.
'Dear Sir
I add a line to your brother’s letter, to tell you that he is past his crisis, that he has fully regained his lucidity and that he has gone back to work at painting, as he was doing before. His ideas of suicide have disappeared; there remain only his bad dreams, which are tending to disappear, and are of lesser intensity.
His appetite has come back and he has resumed his normal life.
With my sincerest compliments,
Dr T. Peyron’
"The sunflower is mine, in a way.”
― Vincent van Gogh
"People hate the truth for the sake of whatever it is they love more than the truth."
―St Augustine
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."
―Walt Disney
See ya later Preziosi, Love ya! me. _________________ Patricia.
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 07/01/11 10:40 Messaggi: 3669 Residenza: Madrid (España)
Inviato: Mar Ago 22, 2017 11:45 Oggetto: |
Ciao carissimi amici italiani e del foro.
Oggi un altro giorno triste per una disgrazia, questa volta non provocata dall'uomo, se non per la natura, un terremoto... nella mia carissima Italia, in un posto prezioso: l'isola di Ischia.
Spero che tutti voi, i vostri cari e conoscenti stiate bene.
Il mio affetto più vicino e sincero per tutti gli affettati da Madrid.
Marisol _________________ La vera ricchezza è prendere la vita con amore, donando amore.
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Registrato: 25/09/15 20:30 Messaggi: 371 Residenza: BARCELONA
Inviato: Mar Ago 22, 2017 13:51 Oggetto: |
Altro triste giorno per Italia e la sua preziosa isola di ischia , sonó vicina a voi e alle famiglie delle vittime
Questa tragedia è una forza della natura contro la quale non può lottarsi benché dovessimo potere essere meglio prevenuti e preparati.
Un bacio da Barcellona cari amici.
Sempre con voi,
Mayte _________________
L'ultima modifica di mayte il Mar Ago 22, 2017 14:05, modificato 1 volta
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